Archdiocese of Medan

Archbishop Kornelius Sipayung

Archbishop Kornelius Sipayung

Jl. Imam Bonjol 39,
Medan 20152, Sumatera Utara,

Phone: (061)451-6647; 451-9768
Fax :414-5745

Archbishop Sipayung was born on Aug. 26, 1970, in Bandar Hinalang-Kabanjahe North Sumatra province.

He attended Christus Sacerdos Minor Seminary in Pematangsiantar before being ordained as a priest on Dec. 11, 1999, and serving as parish priest of Our Lady of the Assumption in Kabanjahe.

In 2002, he studied dogmatic theology at Gregoriana University in Rome.

Since 2005, he has served as a lecturer in various theological disciplines at St. John's School of Philosophy and Theology in Pematangsiantar.

He was elected Capuchin provincial superior in 2015 and was re-elected this year for a second term until 2021.

Archbishop Sipayung is also a member of the theological commission at the Indonesia Bishops’ Conference and is a member of the Pacific-Asia Capuchin Conference.

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