SELECT `p`.`ID`, `p`.`post_title`, `post_slug`, `p`.`post_excerpt`, `post_custom_author`, `p`.`post_image`, `p`.`post_thumbnail`, DATE_FORMAT( publish_date, "%d %M, %Y")as pubdate, DATE_FORMAT(`publish_date`, "%W %M %e, %Y") AS `publish_dates` FROM (`ucan_posts` p) WHERE `publish_date` <=NOW() AND `post_status` = 1 AND (`author_id` = 1 OR replace(p.post_custom_author, '.', '') LIKE CONVERT('%Ryan Dagur' USING latin1)) ORDER BY `publish_date` DESC LIMIT 12 OFFSET 996 Ryan Dagur, Author at UCA News, journalist | UCA News
UCA News
Ryan Dagur

Ryan Dagur

Ryan is a news hunter who enjoys indefatigable stamina to get to the bottom of stories. His interest varies from reporting ethnic minority issues in Papua to tracking down sex abuse scandals and to human rights violations. His ten years of journalist experience and knowledge of the local Church, culture, and language help him report stories with depth and factual accuracy.

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