SELECT `p`.`ID`, `p`.`post_title`, `post_slug`, `p`.`post_excerpt`, `post_custom_author`, `p`.`post_image`, `p`.`post_thumbnail`, DATE_FORMAT( publish_date, "%d %M, %Y")as pubdate, DATE_FORMAT(`publish_date`, "%W %M %e, %Y") AS `publish_dates` FROM (`ucan_posts` p) WHERE `publish_date` <=NOW() AND `post_status` = 1 AND (`author_id` = 15 OR replace(p.post_custom_author, '.', '') LIKE CONVERT('%Kamran Chaudhry' USING latin1)) ORDER BY `publish_date` DESC LIMIT 12 OFFSET 12 Kamran Chaudhry, Author at UCA News, journalist | UCA News
UCA News
Kamran Chaudhry

Kamran Chaudhry

Kamran Chaudhry, based in Lahore city, reports issues of religion, social justice and human rights from Pakistan. A journalist of more than 15 years, he also contributes videos and commentaries.

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